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Blog #10

I feel that the article “Viral Marketing” directly relates to the different points Mat wants us to consider when choosing our different texts for Project 3. Viral Marketing explains the use of different social and electronic sources that are used to expand a message to millions of people very quickly. The article provides a list of different methods that are used in viral marketing and some of these are great ideas for our own use in Project 3. Even though all our texts don’t have to be electronic, there are still great information and tips that can be taken from the article. For example, it reinforces what Mat says about knowing who your audience is and basing the location of your text accordingly. If I wanted to use viral marketing to reach an older generation, I would be more likely to use Facebook rather than Instagram. Displaying your message on the right platform greatly influences the effect it has on your intended audience. Another great tip the article includes, is the fact that not all messages can become viral, there are certain criteria that the campaign must meet in order to gain popularity. I think we all must consider our message that we are trying to illustrate and determine whether it is appropriate for our community.

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