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Blog #6

Like all of the chapters in the BBG that we have read and reflected on, Chapter 7 focuses on a single topic that we must include in one of our main projects for ENC 2135. I feel that these chapters are extremely helpful in clarifying the certain aspects of our projects that may have been unclear before. Though some of the points in Chapter 7 may seem very basic, I appreciate how it takes the time to cover every point since we have not all had the same education. Though we are all in the Honors Program, we mostly all come from different high schools and all receive unique instruction on how to do certain things. I feel that starting from the foundation really helps ensure that every student receives the same knowledge on a topic and understands what is expected of him/her. For example, while some may have felt the plagiarism piece was unnecessary, others may have been thankful for the clarifications it provided. Overall this chapter has been very helpful in defining certain things about sources that I may not have been aware of before. I now feel much more confident about doing research for and constructing my remaining projects.

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