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Blog #8

Dear Snape,

I do not hate you. Though perhaps if I were a young girl who grew up with you as my teacher, I would have. I do believe you were a horrible person to Harry and the other children, but I am not judging you solely on that. Many people say that by the end of your story you do not change, you are still just as malicious as the day you were born. I don’t want you to believe that I condone any of the actions that you took or the awful things you said to Lily, but I feel that it is hypocritical for people to hate you, but love Draco. He was just as awful to Harry as you were, though yes you were an adult and should have known better, yet they claim that he was only listening to what his Father was telling him to do. I feel that you are layered and we cannot just look at you with the mindset that everything is black or white. You may have parts in you that aren't the best, but so does everyone else. No one is perfect and those who try to act like they are, tend to be the worse. You do not deserve hatred and you did not deserve death.

-Darian Heers

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